Clinical Supervision
Clinical Supervision, Professional Consultation and mentoring for Psychotherapists, Psychologists, Social Workers and Allied Healthcare professionals.
Clinical Supervision
Clinical Supervision is part of the ongoing vocational training and mentoring of Psychotherapists and Counsellors.
Clinical Supervision provides a space for a practitioner to reflect on their work. Psychotherapists and Counsellors are professionally and ethically required to be in Supervision.
“At its simplest, Supervision is a forum where supervisees review and reflect on their work in order to do it better. Practitioners bring their actual work – practice to another person ( individual Supervision ) or to a group ( small group or peer Supervision ) and with their help review what happened in their practice in order to learn from that experience. Ultimately, Supervision is for better quality service.”
Michael Carroll
In the Dublin Gestalt Centre, our Supervisors offer Supervision to Psychotherapists, Counsellors and others in the Helping Professions, including social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, and G.Ps. All our Supervisors are trained and accredited with their professional body.
The Dublin Gestalt Centre also provides a 2 Yr.Training Course in Supervision, using a Gestalt Model of Supervision.