Diploma in Supervision- a Gestalt Relational Model, 2024-2025
This course, a gestalt process model of supervision, has been designed to meet the training requirements as proposed by both the IACP and IAHIP for accredited supervisors.
Diploma in Supervision- a Gestalt Relational Model, 2024-2025
2024 Year 1 : 8 Days Training
- Fri/Sat. 26/27 January 2024
- Fri/Sat. 16/17 February 2024
- Fr/Sat 15/16 March 2024
- Fri/Sat 12/13 April. 2024
2025 Year 2: 10 days Training
2 days per month ( Friday and Saturday) in January, February, March, April, May.
- 17/18 January 2025
- 28 Feb and 1st March 2025
- 28/29 March 2025
- 25/26 April 2025
- 23/24 May 2025
Costs :
Part 1 : 1,750 Euro
Part 2 : 1,950 Euro
Trainers : Eileen Noonan and Anne Burke
The Dublin Gestalt Centre’s Diploma Course in supervision is a field, relational model, drawing on creative and embodied processes. This model of supervision was created and developed in DGC over 15 years.
While its Gestalt focus will be recognised by most participants if they have had a module of Gestalt practice in their core training, the focus on the relational was developed by, Judy O’ Hanlon, Claire Counihan and Kay Ferriter after their initial training in the Dublin Gestalt Institute with Vincent Humphreys and Marvin and Netta Kaplan in the 1990’s. It is this unique quality of focus that is the most remarked on by participants over the years as they value the opportunity to attend to the dynamics and flow of their own experience in the Supervisors chair.
Expressive modalities are an integral part of Gestalt Practice. Since Anne Burke began to facilitate on the course in 2015, Expressive Art has become the second model and from this year there will be further integration of the use in Art in Supervision.
Learning Focus
This is a didactic and experiential course. While the course demands the reading of some classical texts in Supervision and Gestalt and the completion of an essay, all theory is learned through the integration of experiential exercises and reflection on them in the large group, and if the participants wish, can be supplemented by creative work.
Content of Course
There is a strong focus on the Gestalt skills necessary to support the Supervisory Relationship, as in phenomenological enquiry, ie tracking awareness in the here and now, building support for contact, and working with dual awareness. The full range of tasks and responsibilities required in Supervision will be explored, with practice and demonstrations on how to hold these in the Supervisory relationship. Particular attention is paid to the link between participants’ anxiety and a tendency to authoritarian practice when the supervision field becomes suffused with the fear of getting things wrong. Attention is given to developing an ethical Supervision practice and becoming familiar with the legal and child protection responsibilities of Supervisors. Part 1 focuses on learning the model while engaging in Peer Supervision in dyads and small groups. Part 2 is largely taken up with further practice of the model in Supervision Practice while being observed and Supported by the facilitators.
The Training Team.
Facilitators: Anne Burke and Eileen Noonan.
Anne Burke and Eileen Noonan
Anne Burke began her training in the Tivoli Institute. She has a BSc in Psychotherapy and Counselling, MSc in Psychotherapy Studies and a MSc in Child Art Psychotherapy. Anne has long relationship with Dublin
Gestalt Centre, starting with Vincent Humphreys and Kay Ferriter in 2002 on the Diploma in Intensive Gestalt Therapy. Since then she has been a regular participant at workshops in DGC such as the Couples and Dream workshops. She Completed her Supervision Training on the DGC course, Diploma in Gestalt Relational Supervision in 2012.
It was Anne’s experience on the course that convinced Anne of the importance of a training that gave time and close attention to the ethics of how we relate with each other as we explore difficult issues that emerge in Therapy and consequently in Supervision.
Since 2015 Anne has been facilitating the Art module on the course, enriching the here and now experiential processes of Supervision with the expression of creative unconscious processes. She is presently engaged in a Mindfulness training and is passionately interested in what Art can bring to relational Supervision.
Eileen Noonan
Eileen also has a long standing relationship with the Dublin Gestalt Centre and with the Relational Model of Supervision.She has been in Supervision with Kay for 15 years. She began her Gestalt training with Vincent and Kay on the one year Gestalt Psychotherapy Intensive,(1999-2000). This training group continued to meet as a Gestalt Peer group from 2002 – 2019.
Eileen’s core training is in Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy with the Institute of Creative Counselling and Psychotherapy. Since then she has done training in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy (Trauma and Developmental modules) and completed an MA Integrative Psychotherapy in the Cork Institute of Technology (2017). In addition, Eileen completed a Certificate in Integrative Supervision with The Institute of Creative Counselling and Psychotherapy in 2009 and has been practicing as a supervisor since 2010.
She has more recently completed the Supervision Training in the Dublin Gestalt Centre (2019-2020). Eileen has been working in the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre since 2002 and because of this work has a special interest in working with Trauma and Dissociation in Therapy and Supervision.
Who is the course for?
The course will be of interest to professionals who work in a process and integrative manner and may interest therapists with varied caseloads – including those therapists working with trauma and/or working with adolescents and young people. It is open to counsellors and psychotherapists with four years post-accreditation experience. It will also be of interest to psychologists and social workers
Course will be held in Dublin Gestalt Centre,
66 Lower Leeson street, Dublin
Maximum Number on the Course is 12.
Application Forms to be completed online, and an informal interview will be arranged to select the group.